Echo Through the Present
Galleri Mors Mössa, 1/6-28/7, 2005 123456789101112131415161718192021

On friday 17/6, saturday 18/6 and sunday 19/6 small cut-out self portraits were added to the preceeding portraits in the outer gallery space, now totaling seventeen, the same as the number of coffeecups on the ceiling in the inner room. On tuesday 21/6 the coffeecups were removed from the ceiling and placed on the table beneath instead. The self portraits were attached to the ceiling in the space that the coffeecups had previously occupied. A drawing, a self portrait where the figure had the same scale as the cut-outs, was hung on the wall next to the painting of the apartment building. A cut-out drawing of a Sonic Youth t-shirt (the same as the one the figure in the drawing was wearing) was placed between the drawing and the painting. On the other side of the painting the Sonic Youth-themed drawing, which was previously in the outer room, was hung. Next to the self portrait were two other drawings, self portraits depicting myself in a studio.
In the corner with the photographs of the apartment building in Johanneberg some of the drawings which had previously been laying on the carpet were placed. The drawing of a windowsill with some plants on it was put in a frame and hung on the wall.
More houses were constructed in the outer room, totaling ten in all. By the photograph of the band Elsewhere Right Now two drawings were placed depicting figures walking. Slightly below these was a cut-out drawing of a figure on a road, leading from a chalice and passing by a house. The drawings of the U2 and the Grunge fans were on the floor below the road. These two figures were both cut out of their respective drawings. The coffee-painting which had hung on the wall was removed.
On the wall next to the painting of the ice-landscape a drawing of a pair of eyes and some hair, which had previously been on the carpet in the inner room, was hung. On the other side of the painting the drawing of the faces rising out of a chalice was placed (having previously occupied a space on the wall in the inner room). Above the painting of the apartment building in the outer space a drawing with themes and images taken from the Star Wars movie "The Empire Strikes Back" was placed.
On the other side of the outer gallery space several of the coffee-paintings were removed and placed on a pile on the floor. A drawing of the band The Clash as a group of female angels singing the lines "Let fury have the hour, anger can be power, d'you know that you can use it?" (from the song "Clampdown") was hung on the wall with the photographs of the stairs leading up the mountainside. On the wall with the spray-painted moon a drawing of two angels playing keyharps was hung. On the other side of the moon another drawing, depicting a figure eating a pizza/moon was placed.
