The Radius of my Heart
Galleri Wuthering Heights, 24/2-5/3 200612345678910songs


On the first day of the show two electric guitars, one bass guitar, a bass amplifier, a maracas, six effect pedals (three distortions, one tremolo, one delay and a wah-wah), a keyharp bow, a leopard-skin patterned blanket, three paintings, a series of drawings, a coffee-brewer, a packet of coffee, tubes and jars of paint, brushes and pencils were brought into the gallery space.
The blanket was placed on the floor in the outer gallery space, the amplifier placed upon it. A drum-kit was assembled out of two buckets and a sheet of wood found in the gallery's office. A three-stringed acoustic guitar also found in the office was incorporated into the show as well.
A painting of two coffecups, a thermos and two cinnamon rolls underneath a tree was hung on the wall. Drawings were taped to the wall to the left of the painting. Another painting, of a figure in a snow-covered pinetree-forest, was placed leaning against a perpendicular wall. Another drawing, of a figure walking past a fence with anarchy symbols, a guitar and other various objects floating around his head, was placed on the wall next to the gallery entrance. Yet another drawing of a head with anarchy-symbols and drawings of bricks placed above it was taped to the wall near the painting of the pineforest.
In the inner gallery space a small yellow painting of a table with two coffee cups and a coffepot was hung on the wall. A drawing of a head, an ocean, an island and someone rowing a boat was placed on a perpendicular wall. On the floor were the tubes and jars of paint, the coffeeboiler, the packet of coffee, brushes, a sheet of wood found in the gallery office and a sheet of cardboard found outside the gallery.
As the show opened, the coffeboiler was filled with water and coffee, which was brewed. In the outer gallery space recording of a song onto a laptop computer commenced. First a drum track was recorded, then a distorted bass, after which microphone feedback and two guitars were added. The completed song (dubbed "Wuthering Beat") was then heard through the bass amplifier, which was hooked up to the laptop computer. On the computer screen could be seen an photograph of a winding path surrounded by greenery. The image changed color, fading from first an untinted photograph to a purple one, then orange, green, yellow, and finally back to the original one. This process, like the recorded song, was looped.
Two drawings were made while the music was playing, one with several figures (including a group of people with instrument cases, plus two other figures playing instruments in the courtyard of a building), a moon and some buildings on it. The other drawing was a self-portrait of a figure playing a guitar sitting upon a leopardskin-patterned blanket, surrounded by other instruments and a laptop computer. This figure was cut out of the sheet of paper and placed standing on the floor in front of the painting of the pineforest.
During the last 15 minutes of the opening a free-form improvised noise piece was played on the bass guitar using a distortion pedal and the keyharp bow.
