Hampus Pettersson
Born 1973 in Gothenburg
Valands Konsthögskola, Masters of Fine Arts, 1997-2002
Solo Exhibitions:
"Recalling Time in Space", Galleri Kvarnen, Hörja, 2008
"The Garden City", Ministry of Casual Living Gallery, Victoria, Canada, 2006
"The Radius of my Heart", Galleri Wuthering Heights, Malmö,
"Echo Through the Present", Galleri Mors Mössa, Gothenburg,
" Struktur", Galleri Elbowroom, Gothenburg, 2005
" Hisingen", Big Love Gallery, Gothenburg, 2004
" Sleep", Kammaren, Galleri 54, Gothenburg, 2003
Graduation Show, Galleri Rotor, Gothenburg, 2002
Group Exhibitions:
"Chain Letter", Samsøn Gallery, Boston, MA, USA, 2011
"Live Action 2011", performance art festival, Gothenburg, 2011
"Speglingar", Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, 2011
"Live Action Plus", performance art festival, Vara and Borås, 2010
"Processes of Being", Gallerie Plan D, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009
"Kustomkonst", Galleri 54, Gothenburg, 2008
"Peptalk is All You Need", performance art festival in Ronneby och Karlskrona, 2007
"Moderna Fabler", Sundsvalls Kulturhus, Sundsvall, 2007
"Moderna Fabler", Konsthallen Millesgården, Stockholm, 2007
"Moderna Fabler", Konsthallen Bohusläns museum, Uddevalla, 2006
"Knock Knock Picnic", Jack the Pelican Presents Gallery, Williamsburg, NY, USA, 2006
Exhibition of drawings at Big Love Gallery, 2005
"Crap Art Battle" with Daniel Rehn, Big Love Gallery, Gothenburg,
" Big Love vs House of Win-Win", Galleri Win-Win and Viktoria
Arena, Gothenburg, 2005
" Dataspelsbilder", Flimmer, Atalante, Gothenburg, 2004
Valands Graduation Show, Göteborgs Konsthall, Gothenburg, 2002
Valands Graduation Show, Galleri Enkehuset, Gothenburg, 2002
The Hugs collective, Kafe Publik, Gothenburg, 2005
The Hugs collective with My Enemy, Klubb Oboi, Atalante, Gothenburg, 2005
The Hugs collective, Manifest, Atalante, Gothenburg, 2004
" HC", with Dan Lundberg and Fredrik Eriksson, Manifest, Atalante,
Gothenburg, 2003
Elsewhere Right Now, Off the Record, Atalante, Gothenburg, 2003
Elsewhere Right Now, Brötz! Now, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, 2003
Elsewhere Right Now, Galleri Win-Win, Gothenburg 2002
Other Projects:
Participated in the art event Tombola Parksalong 2010 in Slottskogen, Gothenburg with the piece "The Map is not the Territory" which was created in collabortation with Magdalena Rappala, 2010
Participated in the performance piece "Human Garden" by Kajsa G Eriksson and Fredric Gunve during Ingreppsdagana i Göteborg, arranged by Konstnärliga Fakulteten, Göteborgs Universitet, 2010
Participated in Daniel Rehn's show "Battlefield 6.0" at Röda Sten, Gothenburg, 2009
Participated as musician in the exhibition "Alot Goes on Forever"
by Brydis Hrönn Ragnarsdottir and Geirthrudur Finnbogadottir Hjörvar
at Big Love Gallery, 2006
Participated as musician in the performance of the piece
"Viktigt Meddelande Till Almännheten" ("Important
Message to the Public" by Alexander Berman on Kungsportsavenyn, Gothenburg,
"Kulturnatta i Kvarnbyn", collaborated with Daniel Rehn on a
public mural at culture-festival in Möldal, 2005
"Big Love vs Klubb Torpet", live-painting with Daniel Rehn at
Klubb Torpet, Resturang Kronan, Gothenburg, 2005
Represented at the Gothenburg Museum of Art